access level

英 [ˈækses ˈlevl] 美 [ˈækses ˈlevl]

网络  访问级别; 访问等级; 存取级别; 存取层级; 访问层



  1. For each profile, an access level of NONE prevents access, and an access level of READ ( or higher) allows the user or group to connect.
  2. By giving a user or system this access level, you are giving only the ability to monitor the system state.
  3. Monitor: By giving a user or system this access level, you are giving only the ability to monitor the system state; the state cannot be changed, nor can the configuration be altered.
  4. However, regardless of the access level used, a cache can only be destroyed by the user that created it or by the root user.
  5. Any user or group that does not have access granted to it specifically gets the access level assigned to the UACC.
  6. On distributed, a profile does not have any default access level ( such as a UACC), so several different profiles can apply to the same object.
  7. Security and settings are also configurable within the project, allowing access level controls as noted above.
  8. As you can see, this lets you specify which table in our database is used for authentication and the access level of the logged in user ( the AccessLevel field).
  9. If not, check the access level of the signer.
  10. The following table shows what MQI actions a user ID can perform if it has the access level listed.
  11. There can be only one access level per user, so Dreamweaver is not role-based.
  12. Access of NONE, READ or UPDATE means that at least one userid ( possibly two depending on the access level) will be checked for MQI access to WebSphere MQ objects.
  13. The requirement is a user table that includes user name, password, and access level fields.
  14. Log in to the DataPower WebGUI as a user with access level of a developer for the underlying domain.
  15. Thus the program can do things at the user's access level, which is undesirable.
  16. For example, a customer service representative would need a much more restrictive access level than a database administrator.
  17. When you assign author access to a user or server, you must also specify the create documents access level privilege.
  18. Using this facility, the names, authorized access level, access codes shall be entered.
  19. To control whether users of your assembly can create instances of the component, specify the appropriate access level for its constructor.
  20. Each of these methods will be allocated an access level, and would only be able to be used by workers trained to that level and wearing appropriate types of safety harnesses etc.
  21. Reading environment variables is not included in this access level.
  22. Within a structure, you can declare each member with its own access level.
  23. You cannot declare a different access level for set, because that would set two access levels for the property.
  24. Procedure can be any level that is more restrictive than the access level specified for the property itself.
  25. For example, the wizard generates a warning when the access level of code is changed, but this usually requires no further action.
  26. Can specify access level and information regarding overloading, overriding, sharing, and shadowing, as well as whether the property is read-only or write-only.
  27. Lists the types of declared elements and shows for each one its declaration statement, in what context you can declare it, and its default access level.
  28. You can grant user access level by following the preceding steps.
  29. The keywords that specify access level are called access modifiers.
  30. Select Yes if you want to allow this additional access level.